Ncomputing Vspace License Key

If you purchase AMP for vSpace Pro, you’ll receive a license key. To redeem the license key: 1. Go to and login using the same account that you used to register your vSpace Pro installation. Then click on the ‘management portal’. NComputing has made licensing NoTouch easy and painless. With the purchase of the NComputing RX-HDX, RX-HDX+ or EX400 thin client device, it comes with a perpetual built-in NoTouch OS license. You do not need to purchase additional NoTouch OS licenses for your NComputing devices.


for NComputing vSpace® with X-series Devices



1.OVERVIEW. The terms and conditions set forth in this EULA apply to the NComputing® vSpace® desktop virtualization software (the “Software”). This EULA supersedes all other licensing terms for the Software. Updates to the Software provided by NComputing through Internet-based services or other means are also subject to this EULA, unless other terms accompanying those updates explicitly supersede or amend this EULA.

The Software is licensed on both a per Licensed Device and per Licensed Computer basis. The Licensed Device connected to a user session is not equivalent to a personal computer and is not compatible with all personal computer applications including software and/or peripherals. Licensed Devices cannot be operated as independent computers; they must be connected

to a host computer. Since the Licensed Devices share the Licensed Computer’s resources, the Licensed Devices display performance may decrease if the Licensed Computer’s processor(s) or other resources become overloaded as more Licensed Devices are attached to the Licensed Computer or by users running resource intensive applications.

2.DEFINITIONS. The following definitions will be used throughout this EULA:

a.Software” means the NComputing vSpace desktop virtualization software.

b.Licensed Device” means a genuine NComputing X-series PCI card or access device.

c.Licensed Computer” means a physical machine running a licensed operating system on which the Software is installed that hosts one or more user sessions to which one or more Licensed Devices connect.

d.Open Source Software” means any software or software component, module or package that contains, or is derived in any manner (in whole or in part) from, any software that

is distributed as free software, open source software or similar licensing or distribution models, including, without limitation, software licensed or distributed under any of the following licenses or distribution models, or licenses or distribution models similar to any of the following: (a) GNU’s General Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL); (b) the Artistic License (e.g., PERL); (c) the Mozilla Public License; (d) the BSD License; and (e) the Apache License.

e.You” or “you” means the company, entity or individual who enters into this EULA and has rightfully acquired the Software from NComputing or its authorized sources.

3.INSTALLATION AND USE LICENSE. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this EULA and conditional upon your compliance therewith, NComputing grants to you a limited, nonexclusive license to use the Software on a Licensed Computer with a Licensed Device. To use the Software under a license, you must assign that license to a Licensed Computer in which you have installed your X-series PCI card that is associated with this license. You assign the Software to the Licensed Computer via the NComputing registration process.

a. Installation of Software on Licensed Computer. You may install one copy of the Software on one Licensed Computer. You may then connect up to the maximum number of supported Licensed Devices defined for this license type to this Licensed Computer. Except as provided in the Storage and Host Computer Upgrade sections below, you may not use the Software on any other computer.

b.Connection of Licensed Devices. You may directly connect the X-series access device(s) associated with this license to the X-series PCI card installed in the Licensed Computer.

c.Microsoft Windows Licenses. You are licensed by NComputing to use the vSpace Software under the terms of the EULA. You must also acquire the appropriate number of Windows Server licenses and Client Access Licenses for each device or user accessing Windows Server software. You cannot use the vSpace Software with Windows Client software (i.e., Windows Vista, Windows 7) unless a single user and no other user accesses

the same Windows Client software at any one time, or you are authorized to do so under an applicable license from Microsoft or as expressly set forth below (see “Microsoft Windows Server to Windows XP License Rights”). In all cases, your rights and obligations with respect to the use of vSpace Software with Windows Server software and Windows Client software are defined by both the NComputing vSpace Software EULA and the applicable Microsoft Software License Agreement or EULA.


a.Storage. You may store one copy of the Software on a storage device, such as a network server. You may use that copy to install the Software on any other computer to which a license has been assigned.

b. Microsoft Windows Server to Windows XP License Rights. If you have licensed the appropriate number of Windows Server operating system and associated Client Access Licenses for simultaneous access by multiple users to the Licensed Computer, you may install and run the Software on a separately licensed Windows XP Client operating system for simultaneous access by multiple users in lieu of the Windows Server operating system. You may only install and use either the Windows Server operating system software or the Windows XP Client operating system software but not both. This paragraph provides supplemental rights to, and does not limit your existing rights and obligations under, applicable Microsoft Software License Agreements or EULAs. Microsoft does not provide any support for the Software or for the Windows XP Client operating system in this

configuration; you should seek support from NComputing for issues relating to the Software and its use with the Windows XP Client operating system.

5.LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. Unless applicable law gives You more rights despite the limitations in this EULA, You may use the Software only as expressly permitted herein. You must comply with any technical limitations in the Software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may connect the Licensed Computer on which the Software is installed to up to the maximum number of Client Devices permitted by NComputing in the documentation accompanying the Software. Furthermore, you may not:

use the Software on any devices or products other than those that you or your business organization own or have a valid legal right to use;

use the Software on any devices other than a Licensed Computer;

connect the Licensed Computer on which the Software is installed to more than the maximum number of Client Devices permitted by NComputing in the applicable documentation;

modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt (i) to defeat, avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or otherwise circumvent any software protection mechanisms in the Software, including without limitation any such mechanism used to restrict or control the functionality of the Software, or (ii) to derive the source code or the underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization from the Software (except that the foregoing limitation does not apply to the extent that such activities may not be prohibited under applicable law); or

make more copies of the Software than expressly permitted in this EULA;

publish the Software for others to copy; or

rent, lease, distribute, lend, sublicense, modify or create derivative works based on the Software or any part thereof, or grant to any third party any rights in the Software and its accompanying documentation, or any modifications of any of the foregoing, without the prior written consent of NComputing.

6.OWNERSHIP. The Software is licensed, not sold. NComputing reserves all rights not expressly granted herein. All intellectual property rights in and to the Software, including without limitation, all patents, copyrights, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights of any kind, remain solely the property of NComputing or its licensors.

7.REASSIGNMENT OF THE SOFTWARE. You may reassign your copy of the Software to a new or upgraded Licensed Computer, provided that you first uninstall the Software from the original Licensed Computer on which it was previously installed and assigned to and then register

and reassign your copy of the Software to the new Licensed Computer via the NComputing registration process. You may reassign your copy of the Software in this manner no more than two (2) times.

8.SCOPE OF LICENSE. The Software is licensed, not sold. This EULA only gives you some rights to use the Software. NComputing reserves all other rights. The rights granted to you under this EULA are conditional upon your compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite the limitations in this EULA, you may use the Software only as expressly permitted in this EULA. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the Software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. All intellectual property rights in and to the Software and the Licensed Device(s), including without limitation, all patents, copyrights, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights of any kind remain solely the property of NComputing or its licensors. You may not work around any technical limitations in the Software; reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software; make more copies of the Software than specified in this EULA; publish the Software for others to copy; or display, disclose, rent, lease, distribute, lend or create derivative works based on the Software or any part thereof.

You as the initial end user of the Software may make a one-time permanent License transfer to another third-party end user. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. If you transfer the Software, you must uninstall it from the Licensed Computer, transfer all copies, including backups and originals, or destroy all copies not transferred. The recipient of this transfer must agree to comply with the terms of this EULA, including the obligation not to further transfer the Software.

9. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE LICENSES. Additional operating system, application software, and/or access licenses may be required for some operating systems and software applications to be used with the Software. Refer to Paragraphs 2.c and 3.b above and check each of your end user software license agreements to determine if additional licenses are required. NComputing is under no obligation to advise, consult

or otherwise provide guidance to you regarding third-party software licensing. You shall indemnify and hold NComputing and its distributors harmless from any and all claims, damages, costs, liabilities, etc. arising from your improper use of the Software or any other third party software.

NComputing has made licensing NoTouch easy and painless. With the purchase of the NComputing RX-HDX, RX-HDX+ or EX400 thin client device, it comes with a perpetual built-in NoTouch OS license. You do not need to purchase additional NoTouch OS licenses for your NComputing devices.

If you have purchased additional premium licenses such as Imprivata Healthcare Premium package, Network Management Plus Premium Package, or generic Stratodesk NoTouch OS (repurpose devices), please follow the below instruction on how to redeem and allocate licenses from Notouch Center. Otherwise, you can skip this section.

You do not have to enter incredibly long serial numbers, fight with expiring licenses and so on. This article describes the technical aspects of licensing. It does not deal with pricing and order processing - please contact our sales for more information about see here how to buy Our process is a bit different than with other vendors, but it is simpler and easier for customers. In 99% of cases, all licensing is done via NoTouch Center. You do not have to do anything on the endpoints; NoTouch Center will 'activate' them, i.e. make sure the 'I am a demo' message goes away.

When ordering licenses, you will receive a license bundle that is identified by a transfer code. Transfer codes are short and unique to that specific order and serve as a 'pickup code', it is not comparable to typical license serial numbers as it identifies the whole bundle that was ordered. Receiving such a code means you officially own the license.

The transfer code can be used to generate the license file: In fact, when receiving your transfer code, there is also a link pointing to a web form requesting the NoTouch Center IP address (can be changed later, #IP address change), name, and email address. By IP address we mean the NoTouch Center host's IP address on the local network. After typing in that data, another email is sent with a download link; the file behind that link is a personal license file of type .jar. It is very small, typically 1KB. This file can be applied to NoTouch Center ('Service Center' / 'Licenses') to activate NoTouch Center, which in turn will activate the endpoints.

Note: We have spent a lot of engineering work to make our license emails spamfilter-proof. Please check your spam folder if you do not get our emails. It may also help to add to your contacts.

  • 7FAQs

Process overview from customer perspective

  1. After you have bought your licenses, you will receive an email with a link and a transfer code. This email may be sent from Stratodesk or a solution provider partner. Think of it as a pickup number for this bundle, not as a serial number as other vendors do.
  2. If you visit this link with your transfer code, the system will know about this order and how many licenses are included - and the system will ask you also for the IP address of NoTouch Center, your organization name and your email address. Double-check the email address, as this is where the final license file will be sent to. Notes:
    • In most cases you will already have NoTouch Center, our management tool, installed; either by using our Virtual Appliance or as a standalone installation. In any case, you will need to type in the IP address of the machine NoTouch Center is installed on. You need to type that IP address into the form. Do not type in a client's IP address - this field is exclusively for the IP address of NoTouch Center.
    • If you do not have NoTouch Center already installed, or do not know the final IP address, then do not yet activate your license. Don't worry, it won't expire so soon: Stratodesk keeps unactivated transfer codes active for one year!
  3. Within a few seconds you will get an email with a link pointing to a file. This is the final license file, named TRANSFERCODE.jar (TRANSFERCODE being your actual transfercode in all-uppercase). If you click on it, the download will be finished momentarily, it is so small, you might not even notice that your browser has downloaded something. So please check your download folder if you think nothing happens - your file will probably be here already.
  4. Apply the license file
    1. Log in to NoTouch Center
    2. Go to 'Service Center',
    3. click on 'Updates',
    4. upload the .jar file there;
    5. please restart NoTouch Center afterwards.

License component information

Only if you wonder what these LMD/MCLI and 'Endpoint' and 'Management licenses' terms mean - there are usually two different licenses in one:

  • LMD designates the endpoint license, the one to activate the client. It can be assigned to clients and even revoked. If the LMD license is missing, the client(s) will be in demo mode and show messages.
  • MCLI licenses make NoTouch Center actually manage endpoints. Basically this controls the counter of how many devices NoTouch Center will be allowed to manage. If you are lacking MCLI licenses, NoTouch Center will simply refuse management operations on new devices, such as adding to a group or so.

Now you might ask, don't I always need both - why distinguishing? You are right, both the OS and the management application must be licensed in any case. However, there are cases when the operating system is already licensed, such as when you are buying a Thin Client from a Stratodesk OEM partner; in that case customers do not need to buy the full NoTouch suite, they would only have to add management to an existing Stratodesk-based OS, i.e. only buy MCLI licenses. In fact, they might even not use management and thus be happy Stratodesk users, but never have been in direct contact with us.

License overview

In NoTouch Center you can always inspect the license status - how many licenses you have and how many are used:

  1. Log in to NoTouch Center
  2. Go to 'Service Center'
  3. Click on 'Licenses'

While 'Installed', 'Used', and 'Available' numbers are self-explanatory, the column 'Assignable' shows if individual licenses can be assigned to specific devices or groups or if they represent merely a counter. For example, licenses of type 'LMD' are endpoint licenses and can be assigned to specific endpoints, whereas in contrast 'MCLI' just represents the number of how many devices can be managed by this instance.

Assigning licenses

By default, endpoint licenses will be assigned to any members of the default group and all of its subgroups (NTC 4.1.24 and above). You have full control though: You can set for each client and each group if it should get certain licenses or not:

  1. Click on the group or client you want to modify
  2. Click on the 'Licenses' tab

Here you can add licenses or delete licenses. Group settings will be inherited by subgroups.

Note: Typically Thin Client OEM software images may never accept nor need endpoint licenses. That means you can easily mix Stratodesk OEM partner Thin Client devices and repurposed PCs/repurposed Thin Clients in one installation and in one group and do not need to worry about wasting licenses on machines that are already licensed.

IP address change

If you change the IP address of NoTouch Center, you need a new license file. No problem, please just contact our support so that we can issue a new file for you. When writing to our tech support, please include the following:

  • Old IP address
  • New IP address
  • Screenshot of the #License overview and/or a list of used transfer codes
  • Customer name if not obvious
  • Return email address if different from the one you're writing (e.g. if you are a reseller and contacting us on behalf of an end customer)
  • A duly completed scan (or legible photoshot) of this form

Note: A new license bundle with a new transfer code will be created during this process for all of your existing licenses. So no matter how many bundles were used in your existing installation, it will be one big bundle with one transfer code after the transition.

Please do not use old and new instance at the same time. After a certain grace period this may invalidate both your old and new licenses.

Important: The new instance of NoTouch must make itself known to all your endpoints! Clients will have the old IP address/URL stored and will try to announce to the old NoTouch Center instance unless you explicitly tell them to go to the new instance! The easiest way is to search for client devices from the new instance. (This is actually why we recommend to not change IP address unless really necessary).

Please read on here if you are changing the IP address: IP address change

Demo/free trial license

NoTouch Center by default includes a five-client trial license; this is built-in and doesn't have to be added or activated. There are no feature restrictions or time limits in the trial license, besides that it can not manage more than five endpoints. As part of this trial license, it can 'activate' two endpoints, so that they do not show the 'I am a demo' message any more, that pops up from time to time. That means, with the free trial you can manage five machines, and two of them can be made work without the demo message, the other three will see the unobtrusive and undisturbing trial message from time to time.

Note: Thin Client devices that come with a NoTouch version preinstalled may not need to be activated at all, so you won't see the demo message there anyway.


My client is still showing the demo message

Clients will pick up their license at next announce, the basic communication step between client and NoTouch Center, and stop displaying the demo message. So it may be that your client did not announce yet; you can force it to do that by using the announce client action, or you can simply reboot it.

If the message still persists, check if

  • you have enough licenses of type 'LMD', please see the #License overview
  • 'LMD' licenses are assigned to the group the client is in, or to the client. Please see #Assigning licenses
  • NoTouch Center and the endpoint(s) are communicating properly

NoTouch Center says it has a license problem

According to the detailed error message you can find out what kind of license problem it is:

  • Did you change the IP address of NoTouch Center, or the machine it is running on? This can be solved, there is an easy process regarding IP address change.
  • Do you have more clients to activate and manage than you have licenses? Please place an order with us - call our sales team!

How can I change my IP address?

There is an easy process regarding IP address change.

Can I migrate a licensed installation somewhere else?

Yes, of course. For example, you may want to

  • Migrate a Windows-based installation to our Virtual Appliance
  • Migrate from one Windows-based installation to another
  • Migrate from one Virtual Appliance to another

By using the 'Migration Export' feature, existing license files are part of the migration export zip file and don't require any special treatment if the IP address stays the same. In many cases regarding migration however, the new system will have a different IP address than the original one - there is an easy process regarding IP address change.

I have lost my license (.jar) file. What now?

No problem - please visit the link again, if you still have the email. If not, go to the Stratodesk redeem page [1] and type in transfer code and your data again. The email address must be the same address as you had used before. So if you use multiple email aliases, make sure you use the correct one.

Note: Whatever IP address you type in, the system will always issue a jar file based on the original IP address. If you need to change your IP address, please see the appropriate section in this article.

What are these other license classes like VPN, PT etc.?

Stratodesk software can manage and license third-party-applications that are inside the NoTouch images. So for example a vendor of VPN clients might hand over a licensed binary to Stratodesk, and request Stratodesk to ensure that only a certain number of copies can be used. That is how many of these license classes came up.

I have lost my transfer code. What now?

You will find your transfer code(s) in these locations:

  • The original email you got, stating that you now own licenses
  • In the license overview in the rightmost column
  • The filename of your license files contains the transfer code

If you have lost your transfer code, your email, and your license files (or never actually activated your license), please contact your reseller or Stratodesk with information about your order, such as order date and your own P/O number so that we can find the order for you.

What if my company was acquired or renamed?

Provided your new company is legal successor, which is usually the case in renaming a company or a company acquisition, you do not have to change anything. If you are concerned about the 'old' organization name, that is a cosmetic issue that could be solved by reissuing the license file as described in the section about #IP address change.

How can I buy licenses?

Please have a look at

Can I sell or lend my licenses to someone else?

If you are not an authorized reseller, in general the answer is no, simply because when activated, your license is already issued to you and your specific NoTouch Center instance with your IP address. The legal side of this question is dependent on your jurisdiction. If your whole company is sold however, then you will continue to use the instance as it is, which is no problem, please see #What if my company was acquired or renamed?

Can I return licenses?

In general the answer is no, simply because when activated, your license is already issued to you and your specific NoTouch Center instance with your IP address and when activated, licenses are non-refundable. The legal side of this question is dependent on your jurisdiction. Please contact our sales team for more information.

Licensing multiple instances of NoTouch Center

As described in this article, typically an order leads to one bundle identified by one transfer code, which will finally become a license file for exactly one known NoTouch Center installation; and these bundles can not be split. If you need to license multiple NoTouch Center installations, for example if you are a reseller serving multiple customers, or a customer using multiple NTC installations, please make sure you split your order into multiple positions or even place multiple orders so that the license bundles can be created according to your needs. Do not just order the overall total number!

Serial number based activation

If for some reason you can not use or do not want to use NoTouch Center for managing licenses, you can request to get license serial numbers when placing your order. In that case you will get a list of serial numbers/codes instead of the transfer code. One serial number will activate one device, license numbers have to be typed in locally

This process is very different from the NoTouch Center based license management, so all of the other information in this article does not apply. When using serial number based activation, these things apply:

  • One number per client, has to be typed in locally
  • Management/NoTouch Center licenses can not be activated with this process
  • IP addresses do not matter
  • No license jar files are involved

If you want to use NoTouch Center later, you can still get a license .jar file for your NoTouch Center installation, allowing you to manage these devices. In that case the .jar file will of course only contain MCLI licenses, because the LMD licenses are those that were issued as serial numbers (see #License component information).

Reseller-specific information

A reseller placing an order on behalf of an endcustomer will also get an email with a transfer code, as soon as the order is processed by Stratodesk. Resellers should then forward this email to their customer allowing them to get the activated license, or they can activate the license on their behalf. Optionally, a reseller can provide the end customer email address to Stratodesk, then our order processing system will send the license email directly, saving work and time.

If you order for multiple customers as one, please indicate the different amounts of licenses need per customer (either by order positions, or separate purchase orders), according to #Licensing multiple instances of NoTouch Center. Do not just send us an order with the total sums! You won't be able to split the license bundles once issued.

Scope and involved third parties

NoTouch Desktop is a combination product that is made of NoTouch Center, a management application, NoTouch Receiver, an endpoint operating system, and the Stratodesk Virtual Appliance. Products from various third parties are included, so diverse as for example the Linux kernel, which is based on the GNU General Public License (GPL), or binary proprietary components like the Citrix Receiver or the VMware Horizon View client. Please do not try to extract proprietary code from NoTouch, no matter if it is Stratodesk code (such as the configuration application, the modules that communicate with NoTouch Center, etc), Citrix software, VMware software or owned by any other 3rd party. This can lead to civil damage claims and criminal prosecution.

License Key Free

The license that is granted to you by Stratodesk aims to protect the Intellectual Property of Stratodesk, which includes (but is not restricted to) software, documentation and artwork. It can not and does not restrict your freedoms that the open source world and especially the GPL gives you. For example you are entitled to all source code of the Linux kernel and other GPL components, and you have unlimited redistribution rights for these open-source components. We will of course share all GPL source code with you and support you in open-source related matters. Please contact Stratodesk for more information.

Vspace Pro Client

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Ncomputing Vspace License Key

For any other question, please contact Stratodesk - we are happy to help!

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