Fantastically, MAC are committed to the environment and as such, they run a Back to MAC scheme in a bid to recycle products where possible like mac cosmetics & Makeup recycle. If you return 6 MAC packaging containers back to MAC you will receive a mac free lipstick (excluding the Viva Glam Lipstick which are for a charitable cause). All you have to do is bring in six empty MAC makeup containers of any kind (foundation bottle, lipstick tube, blush compact, whatever) and swap them for a new lipstick for free. YES, I SAID FOR.
Buy skin care, makeup and cosmetics from MAC Cosmetics. Shop our full line of custom-fit skin care, makeup & fragrance products. Great skin can be created. 100% Fragrance Free. MAC Cosmetics gives you free makeup when you recycle old products. So it’s a good thing then that MAC Cosmetics is offering free makeup in exchange for your old products. You get any MAC.
It’s rare I buy anything other than high street makeup but I do have the occasional more expensive item. MAC make up is something I often receive for my birthday or Christmas and as such every couple of years or so, I accumulate old packaging. Fantastically, MAC are committed to the environment and as such, they run a Back to MAC scheme in a bid to recycle products where possible like mac cosmetics & Makeup recycle. If you return 6 MAC packaging containers back to MAC you will receive a mac free lipstick (excluding the Viva Glam Lipstick which are for a charitable cause).
MAC asks that items returned are “primary packaging” which means they do not accept the following:
- Paper boxes
- Plastic or cellophane wrappers
- Shopping bags
- Samples
- Applicators/tools
- Accessories (cases, bags, lashes, and a few others)
I know a number of women with not insignificant MAC habits who had forgotten all about or not even heard about the Back to MAC scheme. So if you’re nearing the end of a beloved MAC product, make sure you hang on to the packaging so you can eventually be in line to score a free lippy. Best yet, I have quite a few friends and colleagues who can’t be bothered to take their products back to the store “just” for a free product and they’re only too happy to shove them my way. Don’t be too scared to ask if you see a friend heading bin-ward with some MAC packaging.
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